Senin, 07 November 2011

Satu Nama Sejuta Cerita

Diposting oleh Yuliani Fauziah di 00.20
Hello…..Assalamu’alaikum. Welcome to my blog.This is my first posting. This blog is one of the tasks ICT that given by mrs. Dina for all student  class XI in  Delta Senior High School. this time I will tell you a little about  Delta.
     Who said school at the famous school was easy? Okay hello…My name is Yuliani fauziah. I was one of the student class XI that school in the famous high school, the name is  Delta Senior High School. Do you know what is Delta? delta means eight tangerang. I'm sure you know what is delta and where is Delta. Delta is a famous school excellence, especially in the academic field. Delta including RSBI school,yeah..very good.Delta Senior High School have a good education that can  help students to develop skills and qualities with gives students opportunities to work together and develop good practical and thinking skills. but don't think school in delta was easy. from lack of sleep becouse must study for  lesson test, lack of energy because a lot of learning activities, until  less able to relax because many of tasks. first time I became a student of  Delta Senior High School  I’m very happy,because to be a  student in there is very difficult.  Because , Many student want to go to  8  Senior High School Tangerang when they finish their Junior High School studies.They want to study a subject that they are particulary interseted in. the  method of learning in Delta is very different from the method of learning that I experienced earlier. priority discipline makes me compelled to follow it. at 06.45 a.m until 2 p.m.  was time for all student in  Delta to study hard. why  delta Senior High School in the field of academic ability is better than in the field of non-academic? may be the ability of students very less for non-academic field, to make it more maximals,  the ability of students in non-academic must deepened again. I believe, every student  have a superior potency, although not in every field of study.
I’m sorry!! before  that, May I use indonesia language? …hehe..
Yang membuat saya merasa aneh sekolah di Delta adalah “ga ada guru bikin  bosen.” Karena bingung mau ngelakuin  apa Jadi serba salah hehe…mungkin karena anak delta tuh haus akan ilmu kali ya?!.Setiap tahunnya di Delta tuh pasti ada aja piala yang diraih sama siswa siswi SMAN 8 Tangerang…itu tandanya skill anak Delta tuh emang terbukti unggulnya. Very good..!
Hey..hey..udah pernah denger belum SMAN Delta pernah ngadain pensi??pasti belum kan?? Ya emang faktanya belum pernah sih,padahal kan kita selaku siswa-siswi Delta juga perlu pencerahan otak. Kali-kali gitu ngedatengin penyanyi terkenal  ke Delta,biar bisa masuk tv hehe J. .SMAN Delta tuh anti banget sama yang namanya libur. Saat sekolah lain libur,cuma SMAN Delta  yang siswa siswinya rajin banget masuk! Engga tau tuh kenape,emangnya takut banget ya ngeliburin kite-kite?!huhu…
Oh ia nih tentang  rok kotak anak Delta!!!
Orang bilang rok kotak-kotak SMAN Delta tuh keren banget,emang  bener sih keren ! tapi kok agak mirip yah sama lambang sekolah Tarakanita. Wess jangan salah loh, tapi disitulah ciri khas SMAN Delta, jarang banget kan, Sekolah negeri punya ciri khas sendiri, pasti kebanyakan pada umumnya ciri khas suatu sekolah itu adalah batik, tapi gapapalah,bukannya ngga mau membudayakan batik,cukup sekolah lain yang mewakilkan batiknya,biar kali-kali SMAN Delta yang beda sendiri.walaupun berbeda,tapi selalu tercium nama harum SMAN Delta karena prestasi siswa siswinya. Prook..prook..prookk…. eeh udah pada tau belum kalo setiap tanggal 8 tuh siswa siswi SMAN Delta dianjurkan untuk tidak membawa kendaraan, hari itu disebut dengan Car Free Day. Walaupun belum semua siswa siswi Delta yang langsung merespon kegiatan tersebut. Tapi kegiatan itu sangat berguna buat lingkungan hijau kita loh , agar terbebas dari polusi. Yuk mari kita menghijaukan lingkungan kita yang hampir rusak ini. Saya punya pesan sedikit nih buat kalian hehe “belajar itu seperti seorang bayi yang baru belajar jalan,setiap kali jatuh tapi ada keinginan untuk bisa berdiri lagi dan menjadi benar-benar bisa.” Saya harap kedepannya Delta menjadi sekolah yang lebih baik lagi, sekolah yang dapat mengembangkan potensi unggul yang cemerlang dibidang akademik dan non akademik…amien!!!!!


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